Human A&P II

Welcome to the page for Mrs. Fuller's A&P II.  Here you'll find the course outline and other neat things.  Enjoy!

The course outline is below:

Course Title: Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Class Session: Spring 2013, D Block
Location: Room 133
Instructor Contact Information
            Phone (school): (603) 569-2055

Conference/Office Hours: Monday-Friday after school, by appointment

Course Description
A follow-up course to Human Anatomy & Physiology I, this course continues our look at the human body, focusing on the seven systems of the body not covered in the introductory course.  We will examine the correlation between anatomy and physiology in those systems in a variety of ways.  This course will help prepare students interested in medical professions, physical education, animal sciences, art, and those who would like to expand their knowledge of the human body.   

There are two levels in Anatomy and Physiology, Honors and College/Tech Prep.  Honors level students are expected to meet higher levels of achievement in test situations and in laboratory reports, and will be required to take more extensive written examinations.

Prerequisites:  Successful completion of Biology and Human Anatomy and Physiology I.

Content Covered
1.      Ongoing use and review of anatomical terminology including vocabulary specific to systems covered
2.      Endocrine System
3.      Cardiovascular System
a.      Blood
b.      Blood Vessels
c.      Heart anatomy & physiology
4.      Lymphatic System
a.      Immune function
5.      Respiratory System
6.      Digestive System
a.      Metabolism
7.      Urinary System
a.      Fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance
8.      Reproduction
a.      Principles of Heredity

Recurring themes:
a.      The hierarchical organization of living things
b.      The interrelationship of structure and function
c.      The interrelationship of systems
d.      The dynamic process of homeostasis
e.       The coordination and regulation of systems by the nervous and endocrine systems
f.        The applications of Anatomy and Physiology as a stepping stone to career choices, technology, and personal habits

Course Outcomes/Competencies
Following completion of this course students will:
1.      Understand the relationship between structure and function,
2.      Understand the body is composed of increasingly complex and organized levels,
3.      Utilize analytical skills and use evidence to make and support conclusions about the ways humans or other organisms are affected by environmental factors or heredity, and communicating these conclusions through a scientific approach,
4.      Describe the relationship between the endocrine system and hormone function on target organs.
5.      Understand the association between the endocrine system and homeostatic mechanisms.
6.      Identify the key components of blood.
7.      Describe the blood clotting process.
8.      Review the ABO and Rh blood groups and relate their importance to blood transfusion systems today.
9.      Illustrate the anatomy of the heart including tracing the pathway of blood through the heart.
10. Compare the pulmonary and systemic circuits of the heart.
11. Explain the anatomy and physiology of the major blood vessels and their systems.
12. Define and understand the mechanics of blood pressure including pulse points
13. Recognize the role of the lymphatic system.
14. Identify the various parts of the body that act to prevent infection.
15. Describe the inflammatory process.
16. Illustrate the functional anatomy of the respiratory system.
17. Understand the concepts of respiration, ventilation, expiration, and inspiration, and their relationship to one another.
18. Identify the anatomy of the digestive system.
19. Describe the mechanisms involved in the digestive system, as well as the physiology behind digestion.
20. Differentiate among nutrients.
21. Understand the science behind metabolism, including the impacts of different organic molecules on cell metabolism.
22. Describe the anatomical makeup of the urinary system.
23. Appreciate the balance among fluids, electrolytes, and acids/bases.
24. Be familiar with the anatomy of both the male and female reproductive systems.
25. Describe sperm including structure, function, and spermatogenesis.
26. Describe ova including oogenesis and the release of ova during the menstrual cycle.
27. Illustrate the process of pregnancy and embryonic development.
28. Use lab equipment safely and appropriately,
29. Demonstrate basic dissection procedure (encouraged, not required), and
30. Make independent decisions showing a linkage to material previously covered.

Course Activities
The work for this course will be a combination of lecture, discussion, lab work, and activity work.  Students will be expected to maintain a notebook, which will include notes taken during lecture and worksheets/labs as well as review materials distributed during class.  Class activities and assignments may include schematic anatomical drawings, projects, use of an anatomy study aid/coloring book, written and oral reports, including formal lab reports. 


Marieb, E.N., Hoehn, K.  Human Anatomy and Physiology, Eighth Edition. Pearson Benjamin Cummings, 2010.

Kapit, W., Elson, L.M.  The Anatomy Coloring Book, 3rd Edition.  Benjamin Cummings, 2002.

Classroom Requirements
1.      Treat others with respect. 
2.      Work in cooperation with your lab partner/lab groups.
3.      Maintain lab safety at ALL times.
4.      Come to class on time and be prepared—this includes the following:
a.      Bring notebook (2 inch, 3-ring binder) and a writing utensil (pencil preferred)
b.      Bring text
c.      Bring completed assignments (worksheets, homework, lab reports)
d.      Be ready to have fun!
5.      All assignments should have a neat, professional appearance with attention to complete sentences, spelling, and punctuation.
6.      Attend every class session.  In the event you cannot make it to class notify me in advance if possible.  Makeup work should be completed within one week of the absence. Students are responsible for arranging to make up their work.  Note: Late work will lose 7 points (one grade) for each day late.
7.      Missing work receives a zero and cannot be made up after the marking period—note that there is no extra credit and the lowest grade will not be dropped, therefore it is best to get it done correctly and on time the first time!
8.      It is required you keep a binder for all your labs, tests, notes, and other class materials.  This will be a valuable study tool for your final and mid term and for use in your lab exams.


Lab Reports

*NOTE:  There is one mid-term exam and one final exam, each of which worth 10% of the overall semester grade.

**Weighted averages may be shifted slightly depending on the number of tests, quizzes, and labs performed during a quarter.  The activities and content reflected here are offered as guidelines and are subject to modification based on the progress of students in the class.  If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.**

Homework Policy

The purpose of homework is to introduce new material prior to lecture and/or reinforce material discussed during class.  Therefore, the policy for this class is to accept homework on the day it is due and no later than that date, unless in the event of an excused absence from class.  If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.

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